Friday, February 19, 2010

Hello old friend

Holy cats! Its been three years since Ive posted on this here blog. And Im pretty sure that the last time that I made an attempt at being a productive blogger I felt the same as I do now. We'll see how it goes.
I realize that I dont have any followers and that Im just talking to myself, but I do have some things to blog about and maybe just maybe I will jump into this social media thing.

Let me just start off by saying that its Friday and that I really dislike this day of the week. I know, I know, for many its the best day of the week since its obviously the end, however, its the equivalent of my monday!

Watched "My Bloody Valentine" today. Ive been on a movie kick lately. I will have a number of reviews to follow, possibly....if i keep up. Or rather, follow up with the last number of movies viewed.
My Bloody Valentine lacks good acting, as many horror movies do. It does however provide a great amount of gore. Quite humorous actually.

Currently watching "Stranger than Fiction", Ive seen it before, but I do like it. ~ciao~

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Bonnaroo 2005'


Guess im not doing so well ehy...

Friday, March 23, 2007

New Attempt

So this willl mark my new attempt to get this blog back in action.
I just wanted to speak for a moment about my journey today. I found this hot new spot to take pictures at. Just a hint, rail-road tracks were near and anywhere that tracks are presnt just has to be good. So I found some old abandoned buildings, ran into a homeless man and found his sleeping post and the post of some others' as well. So the apparent owners of this land came soon after i found some shots. They were checkin the place out and looked like they were wanting to kick these free loaders out of thier building. One guy snook out of the building as I was speaking with these said guys. So, these fat ass Illinois biggots! I doint even know what to say. I told them that I was a student photographer (that works many times) and showed one of the guys my OLD school ID. These guys were morons, and did I mention they were from Illinois.
Anyway, I got some good shots around these cats' buildings. A few shots into it, one of the men was like "why dont you pack it up and call it a day". I was like sure, and calmly left and thanked them for their time. PFFFSh, obviously I will be back to this spot on a day that they arent there. Thats about it, ill post some pics later, ~ciao~

Monday, September 25, 2006

So apparently people check this?

OK well here is Heidi's son's first birthday party pics (my honorary nephew : ) ).





















Wednesday, August 30, 2006

the deed

A Lonely spot, dark
Sitting here frustrated
When will the sun shine on me

Friday, July 28, 2006

King Solomon blowin up Fox 6

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Somewhere up there is an answer.........